
Tuesday, 3 May 2011

How To Run The Youth Achievement Awards Online

If you are a youth club, youth group or project you can run the Youth Achievement Awards by registering your organisation with UK Youth. Membership enables you to run both the Youth Challenges and the Youth Achievement Awards either online or offline and also entitles you to access ASDAN’s Wider Key Skill qualifications. If your organisation is in England then you can register it online at; for organisations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland you will need to contact the relevant country office.

If you're aged 14-25 and you want to do a Youth Achievement Award see How to Do The Youth Achievement Awards Online.

Getting Started

‘My UK Youth’ allows young people and youth workers to develop a site for your youth project to help you promote and share the great work you are supporting. Once you are registered with UK Youth you can create a group site on ‘My UK Youth’ where young people can find you and start an online portfolio.

To run a group on ‘My UK Youth’ you will need to be registered with UK Youth as a bona fide youth group, youth club or project. Your application will be processed by the UK Youth team (usually within 2 or 3 working days) and upon acceptance you will receive an email with your membership number and a site confirmation code that you can use to activate your group's site on ‘My UK Youth’.

To activate your group's site on ‘My UK Youth’:
  1. Create a Personal Account on ‘My UK Youth’
    Before you can activate your group’s site you’ll need to create a personal account on ‘My UK Youth’, you can do this by heading over to the sign-up page and filling in a few details and once you have responded to the confirmation email you will be transported to your 'My Site' section where you can monitor your tasks and view your links.
  2. Activate your Group's Site
    To activate your group's site, go to and enter your site activation key along with your UK Youth membership number. This information can be found on the registration email sent to your group's main contact or can be obtained by going to
Once you have activated your group's site you will see it listed under the 'My Links' heading of your 'My Site'. Open your group's site by clicking on the link.

From your group's site you can approve portfolio requests and moderate challenges as well as create a profile for your group, put in news or events, add users (such as workers or moderators) and view reports.

Begin by adding some information about your group; you can do this by following the 'Edit your Group Profile' link on your site's main page. Include as much information as you like but keep it relevant so that young people can find your group easily.

Add Your Members

To run the Awards online you'll continue to conduct each Award within the familiar framework of the Youth Achievement Awards; that is, an Award Group Worker will run the Award with each young person and the completed Award portfolios will go through a stage of internal quality assurance (internal moderation) and then external quality assurance (external moderation).

The next thing that you should do is add colleagues to your site; these should be people who can carry out the Awards at Award Group Worker, Internal Moderator or Agency Moderator levels. Anyone that you want to add to your site must be able to log in with their own My UK Youth account which they can create by going to the sign-up page and entering a few details.

Click on the 'Manage Your Site's Membership' link under the 'Site Management' heading to add your members.

Once your colleagues are on ‘My UK Youth’ you can find them by clicking on the 'Add' button under the 'Members' heading. Type the name of the person into the box, press the enter key and 'select' the person from the options displayed, finally click the 'OK' button to add them to your members.

Your colleagues will automatically receive an email to their inbox informing them that they have a message from you on ‘My UK Youth’ and when they log-in they can follow the link to your site. You can also remove a member and deny them access to your site by clicking on them and choosing 'remove'.

Assign each of your colleagues a role on your site as an Award Group Worker, Internal Moderator or Agency Moderator by clicking on the 'settings' link below each of your members (the Award Group Worker and Internal Moderator should not be the same person).
  • Award Group Worker
    An Award Group Worker runs the Award. This member should be someone who has been trained to run the Youth Challenge and Youth Achievement Awards
  • Internal Moderator
    An Internal Moderator will verify that all the targets have been met and that Challenges have been achieved at the appropriate level
  • Agency Moderator
    An Agency Moderator is the lead person responsible for quality assuring Awards throughout the Operating Agency

Get Your Young People Started On Their Award

When you have added your colleagues, you are now ready to begin working with your young people on their Awards. To do an Award online your young people will need to create a personal account on ‘My UK Youth’ by heading over to the sign-up page and filling in a few details, once they have confirmed their registration they can find your group and start a new Award portfolio with you.

You can find and approve new portfolio requests by following the 'Manage new Portfolio requests' link on your site's main page and clicking on the 'settings' link below each of these. To approve a young person's portfolio request, choose their Award Group Worker, Internal Moderator and Agency Moderator, and assign them a booklet for one of the Awards – for an Award to reach moderation you will need to obtain the required booklets from UK Youth.

Once you have approved a portfolio request, the young person will receive an email to their inbox to tell them that a new message is waiting for them on ‘My UK Youth’ and when they log in they'll see a link to their new portfolio on their 'My Challenges' list and can start an Award (see How to Do The Youth Achievement Awards Online).

Moderate Challenges

Each Challenge must go through a stage of internal quality assurance – called internal moderation. On ‘My UK Youth’ this begins with the Award Group Worker approving each Challenge for internal moderation by going to the young person's Challenge page and selecting 'Approve Challenge'. The nominated Internal Moderator will then be notified that this Challenge is ready for internal moderation and can log in to complete this process by selecting the 'Moderate Challenge' option on the young person's Challenge page.

Once the Internal Moderator has approved the Challenge, the young person's Challenge certificate is made available for download via the 'Print Certificate' option at the top of the Challenge page.

Moderate Awards

The Youth Achievement Awards are subject to a robust external quality assurance system – called external moderation – which is set in motion once the young person has successfully completed all of their Challenges. On ‘My UK Youth’ this begins with the nominated Internal Moderator approving the Award for external moderation by going to the young person's Award site and selecting 'Approve Award'. The nominated Agency Moderator will then be notified that this Award is ready for external moderation and can sign-in to put the Award forward by selecting the 'Moderate Award' option on the young person's Award site.

Once there are several Awards ready for external moderation, the Agency Moderator can send them all at once to UK Youth by going to your group's main page and selecting the 'Moderate Portfolios' option.

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